
"Stop being overlooked and undervalued…Directors and Department Heads its time to obtain career clarity"


~Danyelle Gibson-Grant, MCPC

The Professional Purpose Coach

Danyelle really helped me come to some key insights about some internal turmoil and hesitation I was having engaging with a particular person in my life. Digging deeper to see my motivations was so helpful, and being a positive listener helped me talk my way to some insights about why I was hesitating. Great experience and so solid at building trust. Thank you.

-Philip C.

Danyelle brings heart, humor, depth, and a soulful connection to our sessions. This really allows for a dynamic exploration that allows me to draw on all aspects of myself and find what is most helpful….perhaps most meaningful to me and what comes to mind right away is her ability to create a safe space and reflect back what I have shared in a way that makes me feel really heard, seen, and understood and also allows for refined clarity around the areas we work to address.

-Alexis W.

See what others have to say

Coach Danyelle presents an ease and generosity of spirit that affords her clients the time and space needed for introspection to create pathways to achieve their own
solutions. Danyelle exudes warmth, curiosity, and compassion that lends itself to a deeper exploration of the issues/concerns presented during the session.


-Yvonne H.

I would like to take a moment to commend Danyelle Gibson-Grant for her outstanding professionalism and dedication. Her commitment to excellence and consistently demonstrated strong leadership and problem-solving abilities, making her an invaluable asset to any team.



-Adarsh S. | Senior Vice President